Eastern Syriac :ܢܩܙ
Western Syriac :ܢܩܙ
Category :root
English :1) to prick , to drill , to puncture , to thrust with a sword ... (?) , to give an injection (?) ; 2) grammar : to add vowel points , to punctuate ; 3) to peck / to pick with a beak ;
French :1) piquer , percer , crever , pointer / donner un coup de pointe , donner un coup d'estoc / une estocade (?) , faire une piqûre (?) ; 2) grammaire : mettre des points pour les voyelles , ajouter des voyelles , pontuer / voyelliser ; 3) picoter / donner des coups de bec , donner des petits coups ;
Dialect :Eastern Syriac

Derived words : ܢܘܼܩܙܵܐ, ܢܘܼܩܙܬܵܐ, ܢܵܩܹܙ, ܢܩܵܙܵܐ

Not verified, but seems like a cognate of נקד, to perforate, to insert vowel points D and Z both being from the same part of the mouth.

Source : Other