Eastern Syriac :ܓܪܸܡ ܦܘܼܚܕܵܐ
Western Syriac :ܓܪܶܡ ܦܽܘܚܕܳܐ
Root :ܓܪܡ
Eastern phonetic :' grim ' pu:ḥ da:
Category :noun
[Science → Natural sciences]
English :the thighbone / the thigh-bone , the femur ;
French :le fémur , l'os de la cuisse ;
Dialect :Eastern Syriac

Cf. ܓܪܡ, ܬܲܐܓܪܘܼܡܬܵܐ, ܓܲܪܡܵܐ ܕܚܵܨܵܐ, ܓܪܹܡܚܵܨܵܐ, ܓܪܲܡ ܦܝܼܠܵܐ, ܓܲܪ̈ܡܘܼܗܝ ܫܵܘܪ, ܓܲܪܡܘܿܢܵܐ, ܓܲܪܡܵܢܬܵܐ, ܓܲܪܡܵܢܵܐ, ܟ݂ܘܵܪ ܓܲܪ̈ܡܹܐ, ܓܪܸܡ ܡܲܚܣܢܘܼܬܵܐ, ܓܲܪܡܵܝܵܐ, ܓܲܪܡܵܐ ܟܵܗܢܵܝܵܐ, ܓܪܸܡ ܡܵܘܬܒ݂ܵܐ, ܓܪܸܡ ܚܲܨܵܐ, ܓܪܸܡ ܕܘܼܢܒܵܐ, ܓܲܪܡܵܐ, ܦܘܼܚܕܵܐ

Source : Bailis Shamun