Eastern Syriac :ܢܲܚܢܸܚ
Western Syriac :ܢܰܚܢܶܚ
Eastern phonetic :' naḥ niḥ
Category :verb
[Human → Body]
English :intransitive : to pant , to gasp for air , to puff , to breathe with difficulty ;
French :intransitif : être essoufflé , s'essouffler , haleter , ahaner , avoir du mal à respirer , chercher son souffle ;
Dialect :Eastern Syriac

Cf. ܢܲܚܢܘܼܚܹܐ, ܢܲܚܢܲܚܬܵܐ

See also : ܢܵܦܹܫ, ܢܦܵܫܵܐ, ܬܲܪܚܸܣ, ܬܲܪܚܘܼܣܹܐ, ܠܲܗܠܸܗ, ܠܲܗܠܘܼܗܹܐ, ܡܲܠܗܸܕ, ܡܲܠܗܘܼܕܹܐ, ܠܵܗܹܬ, ܠܗܵܬܵܐ

Source : Bailis Shamun