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  1. ܫܲܠܘܼܩܹܐ : 1) transitive ; see also ܫܵܠܹܩ / ܫܲܠܸܩ / ܒܲܫܸܠ ; person cooking : to simmer / to boil slightly , to cook in water , to parboil , to poach an egg / to cook in simmering liquid , to blanch / to leach , to boil briefly / partially in order to finish cooking later , to braise (?) , to steam fish (?) ; 2) to scald , to burn with hot liquid / steam , to injure by contact with any hot fluid , to treat with boiling water ;
  2. ܫܲܠܘܼܩܹܐ : transitive; see also ܥܵܠܹܩ / ܛܲܟ݂ܛܸܟ݂ / ܛܲܪܛܸܥ / ܡܲܡܗܹܐ / ܡܲܪܬܸܚ / ܫܲܠܸܩ / ܒܲܫܸܠ ; water... : to boil , to boil with simmering heat / to stew ;