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  1. ܡܲܘܕܘܼܝܹܐ : 1) intransitive verb : to confess , to make a confession , to disclose sins or faults, to admit ; 3) avec complément d'objet direct ; voir aussi ܫܲܪܸܪ / ܡܲܩܪܸܚ / ܚܲܬܸܬ / ܙܲܕܸܩ / ܒܲܕܸܩ : déclarer , proclamer , exprimer , prétendre , professer / faire profession de / affirmer / maintenir / assumer une erreur ... (?) ; 3) transitive with direct object ; see also ܡܲܘܕܹܐ / ܫܲܪܸܪ / ܡܲܩܪܸܚ / ܚܲܬܸܬ / ܙܲܕܸܩ / ܒܲܕܸܩ : to profess , to claim , to declare , to affirm / to assert / to state / to endorse / to acknowledge an error ... ;
  2. ܡܲܘܕܘܼܝܹܐ : 1) intransitive ; mistake ... ; see also ܫܲܪܸܪ : to own up / to admit , to confess ; 2) transitive ; followed by ܒ ; see also ܡܲܘܕܹܐ / ܗܲܝܡܸܢ / ܗܲܡܸܢ / ܩܲܒܸܠ ; truth, religious persuasion ... : to receive / to accept as true and accurate , to believe / to buy , to adopt a religion ... / to convert to / to become a believer of / to turn into a believer of another persuasion , to co-opt / to join , to espouse views ... ; 3) transitive ; see also ܫܲܪܸܪ / ܙܲܕܸܩ / ܩܲܒܸܠ ; bill ... : to adopt , to pass , to confirm , to accept , to vote for / to approve , to endorse ; 4) to secure the approval of / to pass ; 5) see also ܩܲܒܸܠ ; government ... : to recognize / to acknowledge officially , to endorse , to cause to win approval or official sanction / to pass / to permit to win legal sanction ; 6) to a student ... : to give approval / to give a passing grade , to pass ; 7) transitive ; followed by ܠ ; see also ܬܵܢܹܐ / ܩܲܠܸܣ / ܡܲܘܕܹܐ / ܪܲܡܪܸܡ / ܪܲܘܪܸܒ݂ / ܚܵܩܹܪ / ܫܲܟܸܪ / ܫܲܒܸܚ : to praise , to commend , to speak highly of , to salute / to express commendation , to pay tribute to , to extol (?) / to extoll (?) ; 8) transitive ; see also ܫܲܒܸܚ / ܡܲܛܐܸܒ݂ / ܡܝܲܩܸܪ / ܡܲܘܕܹܐ : to recognize / to recognise with appreciation ; an act of bravery, value, importance ... / to accept as valid / to commend / to salute courage ... , to laud / to pay tribute to ; 9) intransitive ; see also ܙܵܡܹܪ : to express praises / to sing praises ;