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  1. ܦܠܵܛܵܐ : verbal noun of ܦܵܠܸܛ ; see also ܣܘܼܝܵܟ݂ܵܐ / ܟܘܼܢܵܫܵܐ / ܚܲܪܬܵܐ ; action, meeting, discussion ... : 1) a departure , a result / an outcome / a score / a termination , an effect / a law of nature ... , an upshot , an issue , an end , an escape ; Matthew : 28, 1 :
  2. ܦܠܵܛܵܐ : 1) see also ܡܲܦܩܵܢܵܐ / ܣܘܼܝܵܟ݂ܵܐ / ܢܵܩܦܵܝܵܐ / ܚܲܪܬܵܐ / ܟܘܼܢܵܫܵܐ / ܗܘܼܦܵܟ݂ ܣܘܼܥܪܵܢܵܐ ; action, meeting, discussion ... : the result / the results , the score / the scores , the consequence / the produce (?) , what follows an act , a ramification , the outcome / the upshot / the effect / the sequel / the aftermath / the fruit / the end result / the termination , the spin-off effects , / the spin-offs , the implications , the fallout , the impacts , the product / the offspring , the quotient , a law of nature ... / a result ; Mathew : 28,1 :