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  1. ܩܛܵܦܵܐ : transitive verb ; see also ܨܵܪܹܡ / ܢܵܬܹܫ : 1) to pluck , to pick off / out / up , to pull out sharply , to remove , to earn , to grab ; 2) to pick off / out , to select , fruits, grapes : to gather in / collect / to pick , to remove bit by bit ; 3) child... : to kidnap , to ravish , to carry off , to abduct , plane ... : to hijack , facility ... : to commandeer (?) / seize control (?) ; 4) Maclean : verbal noun of ܩܵܛܸܦ : vintage , grape-picking ; 5) Malko : harvest general / figurative sense ? : fishing (?) / gathering (?) / collecting (?) , les vendanges ; 6) garden orach Artiplex Hortensis L ; a pot-herb ; see also ܪܘܿܬܵܐ ; 7) see also ܡܲܪܥܸܫ : loss of consciousness , loss of consciousness , faint / fainting , swooning / blacking out / passing out , see ܩܛܵܦ ܠܸܒܵܐ
  2. ܩܛܵܦܵܐ : 1) a cluster , a number of things (like fruits of the same kind) growing together , grapes, bananas : a bunch , trees, flowers : a clump ; 2) Yoab Benjamin : a vintage ; 3) see also ܩܵܛܹܦ / ܠܵܩܹܛ : to reap , to gather fruit , to vintage / to pick grapes ;