Eastern Syriac :ܟܵܫܹܐ
Western Syriac :ܟܳܫܶܐ
Root :ܟܫܐ
Eastern phonetic :' ka: ši:
Category :verb
English :transitive ; see also ܩܵܦܹܣ / ܥܲܪܸܡ / ܟܲܪܹܐ / ܓܵܕܹܫ / ܓܵܙܹܪ / ܡܵܚܹܐ ܩܘܼܚܵܐ ; plates, books, boxes, chairs, sheaves ... : to stack / to pile , to arrange in a stack , to heap , to stockpile , to store , to put together / to hoard , to collect and put in a heap , to put into a waiting line (?) ; ܟܫܵܝܵܐ ܛܲܝܒܘܼܬ݂ܵܐ ܥܲܠ : to heap kindness on , to shower someone with goodness / benefits ; ܟܫܸܐ ܠܗܘܼܢ ܠܲܟ݂ܡܵܐ : they have piles of bread / they have lots of bread , they have bread in store ;
French :transitif ; voir aussi ܩܵܦܹܣ / ܥܲܪܸܡ / ܟܲܪܹܐ / ܓܵܕܹܫ / ܓܵܙܹܪ / ܡܵܚܹܐ ܩܘܼܚܵܐ ; assiettes, livres, boîtes, chaise, gerbes ... : entasser , empiler , accumuler / amonceler , amasser , avoir des tas de / avoir des montagnes de , mettre en meule foin ... / gerber / mettre en tas / jeter en tas , combler quelqu'un de , magasin ... : mettre en rayon / réapprovisionner , aligner en attente (?) / mettre en attente (?) ; ܟܫܵܝܵܐ ܛܲܝܒܘܼܬ݂ܵܐ ܥܲܠ : accumuler la gentillesse sur , combler de bienfaits ; ܟܫܸܐ ܠܗܘܼܢ ܠܲܟ݂ܡܵܐ : ils ont des monceaux / des tas de pain ; to pile , to heap up / to have heaps of / to have piles of / to have tons of / to have lots of , to collect into a mass , to throw in a pile or heap ; ܟܫܵܝܵܐ ܛܲܝܒܘܼܬ݂ܵܐ ܥܲܠ : to heap kindness on , to shower someone with goodness ; ܟܫܸܐ ܠܗܘܼܢ ܠܲܟ݂ܡܵܐ : they have piles of bread / they have lots of bread ;
Dialect :Eastern Syriac

Cf. ܟܫܐ, ܟܫܵܐ, ܟܵܫܝܼܬܵܐ, ܟܫܵܝܵܐ, ܡܸܬܟܲܫܝܵܢܘܼܬܵܐ

See also : ܥܲܪܸܡ, ܡܲܣܦܹܐ, ܡܲܣܦܘܼܝܹܐ, ܐܲܣܸܢ, ܐܲܣܘܼܢܹܐ, ܓܵܕܹܫ, ܓܕܵܫܵܐ, ܓܵܙܹܪ, ܓܙܵܪܵܐ, ܩܘܼܚܵܐ, , ܥܲܪܸܡ, ܥܲܪܘܼܡܹܐ

Source : Yoab Benjamin, Bailis Shamun