Eastern Syriac :ܕܲܒܘܼܫܹܐ
Western Syriac :ܕܰܒܽܘܫܶܐ
Root :ܕܒܫ
Eastern phonetic :da ' bu: ši:
Category :verb
English :1) transitive ; see also ܥܲܠܸܩ / ܕܲܒܸܩ / ܛܲܦܹܐ / ܕܲܒܸܣ / ܕܲܒܸܫ / ܫܵܥܹܐ ; to a surface... : to stick / to cause to adhere , to attach by means of adherence , to paste , to join / to glue together / to stick together , to cause to hold together ; 2) transitive ; see also ܕܲܒܸܫ / ܒܲܣܸܡ / ܚܲܠܹܐ / ܡܲܚܠܹܐ ; coffee, drink ... : to sweeten / to make sweet , to add sugar or sweetener to , figurative sense ; speech, work, deal ... : to make more enticing (?) / to make more valuable or attractive (?) , to make less painful or trying (?) , to make more acceptable (?) , to water down (?) / to soften (?) ;
French :1) transitif ; voir aussi ܥܲܠܸܩ / ܕܲܒܸܩ / ܛܲܦܹܐ / ܕܲܒܸܣ / ܕܲܒܸܫ / ܫܵܥܹܐ ; avec de la colle, à une surface ... : coller / faire adhérer / attacher ensemble / fixer , conglutiner les bords d'une plaie ... / faire se ressouder / recoller , faire se coller deux parties entre elles , mettre / appliquer , faire adhérer / faire se joindre ; 2) transitif ; voir aussi ܕܲܒܸܫ / ܒܲܣܸܡ / ܚܲܠܹܐ / ܡܲܚܠܹܐ ; café, boisson ... : sucrer , édulcorer / adoucir , rendre plus suave , sens figuré ; discours, travail ... : rendre plus attractif (?) / embellir (?) , rendre plus acceptable (?) ;
Dialect :Eastern Syriac

Cf. ܕܒܫ, ܕܲܒܸܫ

See also : ܛܲܦܹܐ, ܛܲܦܘܼܝܹܐ, ܫܵܥܹܐ, ܫܥܵܝܵܐ, ܕܲܒܸܩ, ܕܲܒܘܼܩܹܐ, ܥܲܠܸܩ, ܥܲܠܘܼܩܹܐ, ܕܲܒܸܣ, ܕܲܒܘܼܣܹܐ, ܕܲܒܸܫ, ܕܲܒܘܼܫܹܐ, ܫܵܥܹܐ, ܫܥܵܝܵܐ, ܛܲܦܹܐ, ܛܲܦܘܼܝܹܐ

Source : Bailis Shamun