Eastern Syriac : | ܐܵܠܹܨ |
Western Syriac : | ܐܳܠܶܨ |
Root : | ܐܠܨ |
Eastern phonetic : | ' a: li:ṣ |
Category : | verb |
[Moral life → Will] | |
English : | 1) see also ܡܲܟ݂ܡܸܪ : to oppress , to cause distress / anxiety to , to depress , to make gloomy / despondent , to weigh down on / to lie heavily on , to cast down , to dampen one's spirits , to hang over , to prey on , to burden , to crush , to dispirit , to dishearten , to discourage , to sadden , to make desolate , to get down , to bring down , to trouble , to afflict , to deject ; 2) see also ܥܵܨܹܐ / ܡܲܠܝܸܨ / ܡܲܣܢܸܩ / ܥܵܫܹܡ / ܙܲܪܒܸܢ / ܐܲܢܸܣ ; legally or morally : to obligate / to oblige / to coerce , to constrain / to corner / to drive / to push ; ܐܲܠܸܨ ܒܣܘܼܪܕܵܕܵܐ / ܥܵܨܹܐ ܒܪܘܼܗܒܵܢܵܐ : to coerce by fear / to terrorize ; 3) transitive ; see also ܒܵܥܹܐ / ܣܵܢܹܩ ; courage, special tools, food ... : to require / to demand as necessary or essentiial , formal dress ... : to call for as suitable or appropriate ; |
French : | 1) voir aussi ܡܲܟ݂ܡܸܪ : oppresser , décourager / déprimer / démotiver / démoraliser , attrister / affliger , peser sur / écraser / hanter pensée, perspective ... ; 2) transitif ; voir aussi ܥܵܨܹܐ / ܐܵܠܹܨ / ܡܲܠܝܸܨ / ܡܲܣܢܸܩ / ܥܵܫܹܡ / ܙܲܪܒܸܢ / ܐܲܢܸܣ ; légalement ou moralement : obliger / condamner / astreindre , forcer , contraindre / coincer / acculer ; ܐܲܠܸܨ ܒܣܘܼܪܕܵܕܵܐ / ܥܵܨܹܐ ܒܪܘܼܗܒܵܢܵܐ : contraindre par la peur / terroriser ; 3) transitif ; voir aussiܒܵܥܹܐ / ܣܵܢܹܩ ; du courage, des outils spéciaux ... : demander / nécessiter , requérir , avoir un besoin indispensable de , tenue correcte ... : exiger / requérir / demander comme étant approprié et convenable ; |
Dialect : | Eastern Syriac |
Cf. ܐܠܨ, ܐܠܵܨܵܐ, ܡܲܠܝܸܨ, ܡܲܠܝܘܼܨܹܐ, ܐܲܠܸܨ, ܐܲܠܘܼܨܹܐ
See also : ܥܫܩ, ܡܲܟ݂ܡܸܪ, ܡܲܟ݂ܡܘܼܪܹܐ, ܡܲܥܝܸܩ, ܡܲܥܝܘܼܩܹܐ, ܝܲܩܪܸܢ, ܝܲܩܪܘܼܢܹܐ, ܡܲܚܸܫ, ܡܲܚܘܼܫܹܐ, ܡܲܦܫܸܡ, ܡܲܦܫܘܼܡܹܐ, ܥܵܨܹܐ, ܡܲܚܝܸܒ݂, ܡܲܚܝܘܼܒܹܐ, ܙܵܪܹܒ݂, ܙܪܵܒ݂ܵܐ, ܙܲܪܒܸܢ, ܙܲܪܒܘܼܢܹܐ, ܐܵܣܹܪ, ܐܣܵܪܵܐ, ܥܨܵܝܵܐ, ܡܲܣܢܸܩ, ܡܲܣܢܘܼܩܹܐ, ܐܵܣܹܪ, ܐܣܵܪܵܐ, ܡܲܠܝܘܼܨܹܐ, ܥܵܨܹܐ, , ܥܨܵܝܵܐ
Source : Bailis Shamun