Eastern Syriac :ܡܲܟ̰ܘܼܥܹܐ
Western Syriac :ܡܰܟ̰ܽܘܥܶܐ
Eastern phonetic :matš ' tšu yi
Category :verb
English :1) transitive ; see ܫܲܛܸܚ / ܫܵܥܹܥ / ܫܲܘܹܐ / ܫܲܦܸܢ / ܫܲܦܹܐ / ܡܲܟ̰ܸܥ : to plane / to make smooth or even , to level , to smoothen , to make even on the surface , to flatten (?) ; 2) Bailis Shamun ; see also ܚܵܪܹܓ݂ / ܡܵܪܹܩ / ܓܵܠܹܦ / ܫܵܐܹܦ / ܣܲܩܸܠ / ܡܲܒܪܸܩ / ܫܵܥܹܫ : to polish , to burnish / to gloss / to shine / to buff ;
French :1) transitif ; voir ܫܲܛܸܚ / ܫܵܥܹܥ / ܫܲܘܹܐ / ܫܲܦܸܢ / ܫܲܦܹܐ / ܡܲܟ̰ܸܥ : aplanir / rendre plan , aplatir / rendre plat , mettre de niveau , raboter (?) , lisser , polir , aplanir la surface , défroisser , aplatir (?) ; 2) Bailis Shamun ; voir aussi ܚܵܪܹܓ݂ / ܡܵܪܹܩ / ܓܵܠܹܦ / ܫܵܐܹܦ / ܣܲܩܸܠ / ܡܲܒܪܸܩ / ܫܵܥܹܫ : polir / brunir , rendre lisse et brillant en frottant , fourbir , astiquer , lustrer , faire briller ;
Dialect :Urmiah

Cf. ܡܲܟ̰ܘܼܥ, ܡܲܟ̰ܘܼܥܬܵܐ, ܟ̰ܘܼܥܝܵܐ, ܟ̰ܘܼܥܬܵܐ, ܟ̰ܵܥܹ, ܡܲܟ̰ܸܥ

See also : ܦܫܝܼܩܵܐ, ܦܛܘܼܚܵܐ, ܓܲܫܸܦ, ܫܵܥܹܥ, ܫܲܦܹܐ, ܫܲܦܘܼܝܹܐ, ܫܲܘܹܐ, ܫܲܘܘܼܝܹܐ, ܫܲܛܸܚ, ܫܲܛܘܼܚܹܐ

this word is of Persian / Kurdish origin ; see ܫܵܥܹܥ

mot d'origine persane / kurde ; voir ܫܵܥܹܥ

Source : Oraham, Bailis Shamun